The North Branch Fire Department would like to thank everyone who helped make the 2008 NBFD Haunted House/Hayride a success.
We could not have done it without the following people giving their valuable time, services, and equipment:
Olson Power
and Equipment for the use of the tractors and trailers, Jeanie Fox for her time and decor, North Branch Police Department
for their time and service, Besta Logging for a truck load of wood for the bonfire, Boulder Concepts for the use of
the skid steer and trailer, Lamperts for the use of the popcorn machine and popcorn, Adam Johnson for the magic show, Holmes
Repair for equipment and decor, KB Holmes for construction services, the numerous volunteers who donated their time and all
of the guests who donated a non-perishable food item.
And a special thanks to North Branch PD for showing us how well the varda alarm works.
Thanks again to all who